Hello World

If you want to show 3D presentation by using MuCuP, you need to generate a MuCuP presentation file which is XML format. Please follow me to write the first MuCup presentation file which could show "Hello World" in the center of the screen.

Let me show the file content of "Hello World" first, and you could have a draft impression for the MuCuP presentation file.

      <_Text>Hello World</_Text>








Yes, that's all you need to write. Is it very simple?

Let's see the showing result first, and later I will explain the detail.

You could save the file to your local, for example "c:/HelloWorld.xml". After that, click "USE IT NOW!!!" button on the left menu bar, and put "file:///c:/HelloWorld.xml" to the "MuCuP document URL" text field after the MuCuP being initialized. The last thing you need to do is clicking "PLAY" button under the text field. You will see the result as follows after you click on the screen.

OK, let me introduce the details about the document.

The basic MuCuP presentation file must have the following format,








"_Presentation" could have multiple "_Slide", and "_Slide" could have multiple "_PlaceHolder". That's based on your requirement that how many slides you want the presentation have, and how many place holders in one certain slide.

Under "_PlaceHolder" tag, there are two keywords used in "HelloWorld" file that are "_Pos" and "_Text".

"_Pos" means the position for the place holder. There are three values: x, y, z. "x" is the percentage of the screen width, and the value is [0.0 - 1.0]; "y" is the percentage of the screen height, and the value is [0.0 - 1.0]; "z" is the depth for the place holder, and it's always used for the text font size, so you could leave it as default value "0.0".

"_Text" means the text in the place holder. If you want to show multiple lines for the text, you need to use " " ("\n" in XML) in your text.

That's all for the first tutorial "Hello World", and you could modify the text in the file and see the result in MuCuP online.

More topics will be covered in the following tutorials.